Join Suzanne for a Headstand (Sirsasana) and Shoulder Stand ( Salamba Sarvangasana) Workshop. This workshop will cover a few variations of headstand, Sirsasana A, Sirsasana B, Sirsasana B transitions and headless headstand We will do he necessary shoulder drills and warm ups to make this pose more accessible and lighter. We will also look at Salamba Sarvangasana and how to best prepare for this pose using a variety of props, such as straps, foams, and where applicable a more supported option at the wall or with the chair. In closing we will work in pairs and play with a few supported headstand options. The workshop will be approximately 2.5 hrs and will be followed by a light breakfast. Cost R350.
Spaces for this workshop will be limited to 6 people only. So please book ASAP to avoid disappointment.