After practising this inversion for years and years, attending workshops and working with teachers who understand bio-mechanics, I have learnt so much around why some of us have such an arched back in forearm balance. Pinchu Mayurarasana, forearm balance in not actually supposed to be a back bend shape and yet for some of us it is. So how do I get my pinchu in a straight line? Is that straight line important? How do I catch a balance? What am I actually supposed to be working towards in pinchu? Why can I not catch that balance? Or are you still simply working on kicking up into the shape? These are things we will look at in this workshop, as well as strength and mobility drills and of course how you can take these learnings into handstand.
Join me March the 26th for a workshop looking at and discussing all of these things, and practising all of these things.
For those of who are wondering why you cannot get your inversions to stick and why they are so inconsistent, I will be giving you homework if you want it. Consistent practise is key to learning inversion skills. But for those who just want to come and learn and have fun and practise you are of course also welcome to attend.
The level 1 workshop will be followed by a level 2 workshop. Level 2 workshop details can be found here.
This workshop is limited to 6 people only so please book ASAP. This workshop is suitable to those who have practised forearm balance before, however you do not have to be proficient and kicking up to the wall.
Cost per workshop R 400. For those who do level 1 and 2 workshop the cost will be R700